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Living with COVID-19 by Shirley Dolan

We are entering our third year of the COVID-19 pandemic. In Ontario, we are in our fourth lockdown presumably so that we do not overwhelm our hospitals. The lockdown applies to vaxxed and unvaxxed alike so one wonders about the…

A Win for Property Rights

Arkadi Bouchelev, Toronto Barrister & Solicitor, writes: “I thought that you might find the recent decision of the Divisional Court in Rudyk v. Halton Region Conservation Authority to be of interest. The Court quashed a conservation authority’s decision to cancel…

Stevens Creek Floodplain Mapping by the OLA

Landowners in Goulbourn may be interested to know that the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority is doing floodplain mapping along Stevens Creek in the North Gower area. Word has it that this area includes several municipal drains. Its difficult to get…

Kemptville Gets a New Prison by the OLA

The past 21 months have been challenging for Landowners with governments taking advantage of the lockdowns to make some questionable decisions without a lot of public input. For example, did you know about the plans to build a prison on…