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Canada Marches

Have you heard the news? James Topp is marching from the Terry Fox statue in Vancouver, BC to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Ottawa, a journey of just under 4,300 kilometres. His journey is chronicled on the website…

OLA Meeting in Cobourg a Success

We didn’t know what to expect on Saturday at our first Spring Directors’ Meeting in three years. Our last meeting was in 2019, also at the Cobourg Legion. On Saturday, our guests arrived at a brand-new building with ground floor…

Property Deeds Update with Len Harris

Those of you who attended some of our OLA meetings a few years ago, including our 2014 International Property Rights Conference will remember Len Harris, former Senator from Queensland, Australia. Len was a popular guest speaker. Recently, Len has been…

The Peasants’ Revolt by Roger Graves

Of all the things that monarchs in the Middle Ages used to fear, the one that truly gave them nightmares was a peasants’ revolt. Invasion by a foreign enemy? No problem, we’ll meet them on the beaches with our army…