Second Court Appearance for OSPCA Act Charter Challenge – January 29th in Perth

In our November 2015 newsletter, we told you about a hearing that was to take place in Perth regarding the application to question the constitutionality of the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA) Act. The court date was to hear a motion by the Attorney General of Ontario to have the Application thrown out on technical grounds. A group of 35 landowners gathered in a Perth courtroom to listen to the proceedings. Unfortunately, Justice Abrams, appearing almost an hour after the scheduled start time, announced that he was recusing himself from the case. He apologized to the landowners in attendance, stating that he understood the inconvenience and knew that some had travelled a great distance.

The hearing has been rescheduled to January 29, 2016 at 2 PM at the Perth Courthouse, 43 Drummond Street East, Perth, Ontario. This hearing is open to the public and we can demonstrate our interest in this matter by attending. As always, court decorum must be respected.

For background and information on this process, please visit