Ontario Landowners Association Announces New Legal Services Branch by Tom Black

Tome Black

In 2003 a new organization was formed in the rural countryside of Lanark County in Eastern Ontario. This new organization was known as the Lanark Landowners Association.

As more county groups across Ontario joined the Lanark Landowners, a decision was made to form the Ontario Landowners Association as the umbrella organization for the growing number of county groups. Today there are over 20 county chapters across the province, including one in Quebec.

Over the years, the landowners have been assertive in having their existing rights to property ownership and use recognized and respected by all levels of government. In bringing to the attention of government the enshrined rights in law of Private Property ownership and use, the landowners have protested by shutting down highway 401, speaking from the hay wagon on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Queens Park in Toronto and hundreds of meetings and gatherings across the province.

The Ontario Landowners Association has grown and matured since 2003, continues to this day and will continue into the future.

In keeping with their go forward growth, the Ontario Landowners Association announces that a new company has been formed to offer legal services specializing in Property Rights issues.

This company, Canadian Property Rights Legal Services, will use the extensive research compiled by Elizabeth Marshall, the Director of Research for the Ontario Landowners, as historical documented proof, that Private Property is separate and apart from the incidious creep of government legislation, regulation and policy control over Private Property ownership and use. Stay tuned for further information and the grand opening in the New Year!

The Ontario Landowners Association will continue to defend the lawful right to the ownership and use of Private Property within the Common law of “Do no harm to your neighbor”.