OLA Moves Forward with Application to the Courts

The 2013 OLA annual general meeting, held in Tyrone Ontario was the scene of a major announcement. Kurtis Andrews, a lawyer with Green and Associates Law Offices in Ottawa and guest speaker at the meeting, told the crowd of about 100 that on Friday October 18th an application to question the constitutionality of the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA) Act was made to the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. The court is being asked to consider four questions. More information is available at http://www.fixthelaw.ca. This challenge, funded by the OLA Litigation Fund, is only possible because of the past and continued generous donations from those who believe like us that bad legislation can and should be changed.

ola-courts-newsletter-092013Also at the AGM, Cynthia Moyer, President of the Huron-Perth Landowners Association, provided the audience with a description of the Legal Services Cooperative of Ontario (LSCO). Brochures were available which explained how the co-operative works and the benefits of becoming a member. For more information, contact Cynthia at 1-888-735-5726 or at info@legalco-op.com

Other speakers included Elizabeth Marshall, OLA Researcher, Tom Black, President of the OLA, and MPP Jack MacLaren speaking on various property rights issues.

The Directors returned Tom Black as President and Jeff Bogaerts as Vice-President.

The following people were elected to the five governors’ positions:

  • Albert Kealey – Gatineau
  • Bill O’Brien – Lambton
  • Duaine McKinley – Leeds Grenville
  • Shirley Dolan – Carleton
  • Bob Mackie – Niagara

Award recipients were:

  • Terrance Green – Wayne Gyde Award
  • Carleton Landowners Association – Best Landowner Group
  • Donna Burns – Landowner of the Year

The meeting wrapped up at about 5:30 PM leaving time to socialize before a very well-received roast beef dinner was served a 6 PM.