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OLA Spring Directors Meeting

On April 12, 2014 the directors of the Ontario Landowners Association came from around the province to meet at the Town Hall in Norwood. The organization was well represented with many groups sending several members to the meeting. Each group…

Spreading the Word on Property Rights

The mandate of the Ontario Landowners Association (OLA) includes the objective to “Educate the public that the greatest threat to Ontario is excessive legislation and over regulation”. A perfect place to engage the public is the annual Ottawa Valley Farm…

Landowner Meeting in Prescott-Russell

The Prescott-Russell Landowners Association (PRLA) hosted a public meeting at the South Plantagenet Hall on Thursday, March 13. Among the speakers were Tim Mount, Jean-Serge Brisson, Shirley Dolan and Tom Black from the Carleton Landowners Association (CLA). Tim Mount gave…

Message from OLA President Tom Black

On March 17, 2014, US Federal Court Judge Ronald Guzman sentenced T.V. infomercial pitchman Kevin Trudeau to 10 years in prison for fraud. Trudeau stood accused of running misleading infomercials in order to sell weight loss books. The judge pointed…