Latest News

2016 Spring Directors Meeting

Another very successful spring directors’ meeting took place in Burlington on Saturday April 23. This meeting takes place once per year giving the OLA executive and directors from the county associations the opportunity to meet face to face to discuss…

Want to Attend a Landowner Meeting?

Did you know that there are Landowner meetings going on all over Ontario? If you are interested in attending one, we recommend that you visit our Events page. This page is being updated all the time with new Landowner meetings.…

Help Us Stop Bill 100, the Trails Act

One of the mandates of the Ontario Landowners Association (OLA) is to educate the public regarding their rights as private property owners. Since we became aware of Bill 100, the Trails Act, we have been actively contacting those that are…

An Update from Tom DeWeese

Some Important Developments In My Fight to Stop Agenda 21 24 years. That’s how long it’s taken. 24 years of sounding the warnings and issuing the pleas for someone to listen about the great threat to our nation, to our…