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New Landowner Group?

A meeting was held on St. Joseph’s Island on October 26th to discuss the many regulations and bylaws that are infringing on the rights of private property owners. The guest speaker was Elizabeth (Liz) Marshall. As a northern community the…

Support for Crown Land Patents from America

If you have ever attended a meeting where Liz Marshall, the OLA’s Director of Research, was speaking about the importance of obtaining your crown land patent, you will remember that she also recommended getting a certified copy of the patent,…

The Elephant Who Wouldn’t Leave

By Mallory McClinchey Like many Canadian families around the holidays, I was sitting around a table surrounded by members of my family. The conversation flowed along with the wine pouring into our glasses. It was 2010, and Mr. Ackerman, a…

FINTRAC the NSA of the Banking World

By Elizabeth Marshall Throughout Canada people are unaware that our banking information is being sent to an entity called FINTRAC (“FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS AND REPORTS ANALYSIS CENTRE OF CANADA”). This entity was created in 2001, and FINTRAC’s mandate is to receive,…

Marlene’s Story

Remembrance Day this past month, was again a time to give thanks and a time to reflect on what it means to “serve our country”, to “fight for our country” and to “die for our country”. Those soldiers who witnessed…