Carleton Landowners Association Property Rights Seminar

The Carleton Landowners Association (CLA) is planning a Property Rights Seminar to be held in conjunction with their Annual General Meeting. “We wanted to do something a bit different this year”, said Shirley Dolan, President of the CLA. “Our AGMs are typically held at the Carp Agricultural Hall in Carp, we have our AGM, and then as many speakers as we can squeeze in. Attendance is very good and the hall is large enough to accommodate the crowd but we would like to have more speakers and maybe more variety and so this year, we are changing our venue and the format”.

In order to accommodate more speakers, the CLA is moving their meeting to a conference centre. There will be two to three sessions going on at the same time. Plans include speakers on some of the important documents that support our property rights such as the Crown Grant Patents and the Magna Carta, first-hand accounts of some of the intrusions on private property by government officials, and information about what the Ontario Landowners are doing to push back on bad legislation.

“We also want to ensure that people have time to chat to the presenters and to each other”, added Shirley. “A very important part of getting together is to share information and we think that this conference style format will allow more time for that. We will be serving a simple lunch of sandwiches and desserts with a generous amount of time to visit and chat”.

Elizabeth Marshall, director of Research for the Ontario Landowners Association, will be one of the guest speakers. The agenda will take shape over the next couple of weeks with plans to start advertising in February 2014. The event is slated to take place on Saturday, April 26 from 8 AM to 5 PM at the Best Western Plus Hotel and Conference Centre, 1876 Robertson Road, Ottawa, Ontario.