Carleton Landowners Association Conference – An Update by Shirley Dolan

The CLA will be busy this summer putting the finishing touches on our second property rights conference. One of the important mandates of the Ontario Landowners is to provide useful information on the rights of landowners to enjoy, use, and profit from their property whether it’s a farm, a country estate, or an urban residence.

On November 7th, 2015 join us at the Holiday Inn, Kanata (Ottawa) to listen to a series of speakers provide practical information that can help you know and protect your property rights. Speakers will include Shawn Carmichael, speaking about his experiences in small claims court, Tim Mount will present information on your rights when a government official comes to visit with or without a warrant, and John Papadakis, spokesperson for a group opposing the province’s proposed Automated Monetary Penalty System (AMPS). We have also contacted several other speakers, which you won’t want to miss. These will be announced as they confirm their attendance.

We will be providing a continental breakfast at 9 AM when the doors open for registration and an afternoon coffee break. Lunch will be at your leisure – there are a variety of restaurants in the area, including Graffiti’s Italian Eatery right in the hotel.

Watch our Events page for more details on speakers and information on registration.