Win of the Month – June 2024

The win of the month has to be the City of Thorold’s historic decision to exit the United Nations Partners for Climate Protection program.

Thorold is a municipality in Ontario.

Maggie Hope Braun from Gather 2030 was one of the delegates at the council meeting. Gather 2030 has this to say about the decision:

On June18, 2024, in a groundbreaking move, the City of Thorold Council has become the first Canadian municipality to withdraw from the Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) program, initiated by the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) under the auspices of the United Nations and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM). This breaking news follows an extensive process of information gathering and passionate delegations from concerned citizens. The meeting, which was well attended with a full council chamber in support of opting out, highlighted the complexities of local climate policies and the challenges of balancing global frameworks with local needs.

The vote was 7 to 1 in favour of the withdrawal.

See the proceedings here