Update on the Appeal of the Attorney General of Ontario and Jeffery Bogaerts

A court date has been set to hear the appeal and cross-appeal in the case of the Attorney General of Ontario and Jeffery Bogaerts.

As many of you know, Mr. Bogaerts agreed to stand as the applicant in the OLA’s charter challenge of the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA) Act which was filed in October 2013. A decision, in our favour, was released on January 2, 2019.

The Attorney General of Ontario appealed, and the OLA cross appealed. Even though the government has appealed, they are moving ahead with changes to the OSPCA Act to address issues raised by our charter challenge. https://news.ontario.ca/mcscs/en/2019/05/ontario-introduces-additional-temporary-measures-to-protect-animals.html?utm_source=ondemand&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=p

Animal Justice Canada and the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario have both asked the courts to be interveners in this case.  Their requests have been approved by the court. Their motions to intervene are posted on our Fix the Law website.

The date for the appeal hearing is Tuesday, October 1, 2019, at 10:00 a.m., at the Court of Appeal for Ontario, 130 Queen Street West, Toronto.

Thanks everyone for your continued support of the court case and our appeal. We could not have done this without you.

Details of the trail and the appeal may be found at https://www.fixthelaw.ca/application-process/ where we have posted the court documents.