Unwilling Hosts – A Quiz

Do you know how many municipalities in Ontario have declared themselves to be “unwilling hosts” for new wind turbine projects?  Well, Wind Concerns Ontario has compiled a list of municipalities that have said they are not willing to host industrial wind turbine projects now or in the future.

Wind Concerns Ontario President Jane Wilson had this to say:

“There are now 155 municipalities in Ontario designated as “Unwilling Hosts”, well over one-quarter of all Ontario municipalities.

As discussed, municipalities feel that although municipal support is now mandatory for contract approval for renewable energy projects, there are still many problems with the process for approvals and siting, and the regulations for noise limits and setbacks have not changed since 2009.

In Ottawa, we are looking forward to new zoning bylaws that we hope will be protective of our rural communities as well as wildlife and the environment.

Jane was featured in a CTV News story recently on growing opposition to new industrial wind power sites, along with the Chair of the Multi-Municipal Energy Working Group Tom Allwood, who is also a municipal councillor.

Please see the short CTV News video here: https://london.ctvnews.ca/155-ontario-municipalities-unwilling-hosts-for-future-wind-projects-1.6882226. See also https://www.windconcernsontario.ca/2024/05/11/why-155-ontario-communities-are-now-unwilling-hosts-to-new-wind-power-sites-ctv-news/