Thanks to Those who Ran in Municipal Elections

Several of our prominent landowners stepped up to the plate in the recent round of Ontario Municipal elections. Running for any political office is always difficult. You basically must put your life on hold and it can be emotionally, physically, and financially draining. So, our heartfelt thanks go out to those, successful or not, who made a difference by changing the conversation.

In Mississippi Mills, a municipality that has been in the news frequently for unpopular policies like trying to sell off a park against the wishes of the community, supporting invasive Natural Heritage System designations on private property, and having a citizen taken out of a public meeting in handcuffs for speaking longer that five minutes, there was an almost clean sweep of Council with a new Mayor and Deputy Mayor elected along with new councillors. Congratulations citizens of Mississippi-Mills.

And congratulations also to OLA Director Mark Tjissen who was elected to council in the Township of Amaranth. A longtime advocate of property rights, we know that Mark will be a valuable member of Amaranth council.