Signs of Fall

For far too long, restrictions have been in place that control how and where we meet. Consequently, the OLA has been unable to hold either an Annual General Meeting or a Spring Directors’ meeting. Some county groups have been meeting with their board of directors and both the OLA Executive and county groups have been using virtual meetings, mail, email, and Facebook to keep in touch with each other and with members.

However, meeting in-person has always been a Landowner strength. These meetings were held to address and resolve administrative business, for sure, but the real power of the get-togethers was the formal and informal discussions and conversations that took place before, during, and sometimes after the gathering.

One of the benefits of the landowner meeting was to allow members and non-members to pick up/purchase our distinctive “No Tresspassing/Back off Government” signs. A year ago, President Jeff Bogaerts introduced a Signs of Fall program. With this program, the OLA will mail you a sign – free to members (we pay the shipping). For non-members, we ask for a donation – whatever you can afford.

The OLA is pleased to announce that we are continuing the program for Fall 2021. Please email us if you would like a sign at or call Shirley at 613-623-0675. We only ask that you be sure to post your sign when you get it.

Got more than one property or do you have friends or neighbours that would like a sign? Let us know. We’ll mail you a couple.