Praise for OLA Spring Directors Meeting by Sylvia Rhodes

Happy Sunday! Great presentations yesterday! Kudos to all of you for sharing your stories and some of your approaches to battling your situations. The tenacity, intellectual and emotional strength you continue to demonstrate is impressive. I look forward to hearing your updates in future. 

I’m just another Lake Ontario shoreline dweller who had an unnecessary battle with the bottom feeder of conservation authorities, CLOCA (Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority), in 2020. I anticipate another battle this year when I commence working toward knocking down and rebuilding my Oshawa, Ontario primary residence.

If I can be of assistance to any of you, I’d be happy to help. As mentioned yesterday, Sarto, Denise and I have formed a group to support one another through our struggles with our local municipalities and CLOCA. We have all benefitted greatly from our mutual support of one another.  I also feel deeply appreciative of and thankful for the support and strategic thinking that has come our way through the Ontario Landowners Association. Specifically, Jeff Bogaerts (OLA President) and Gord Robinson (Director, Durham OLA Chapter) have been a wealth of information and support! 

Thank you for the opportunity to share some of our Durham Region “Landowner horror stories” yesterday. It was inspiring and reassuring to hear we are not the only ones dealing with corrupt Bureaucrats and their offside efforts in Governmental Thievery and Overreach! 

Best regards, 

Sylvia Rhodes  416.984.6422

a proud supporter of OLA