OLA Spring Directors’ Meeting

The Royal Canadian Legion in Cobourg was the location of this year’s Spring Directors’ Meeting. With almost 50 people in attendance, the discussions and exchange of property rights information were informative and valuable.

Jeff Bogaerts was confirmed as President of the OLA until our Annual General Meeting in October.

The main topic of discussion was conservation authorities with story after story being recounted of lengthy and unsuccessful negotiations ending in frustration, stress, financial hardship, and hours of work to justify a severance or a new building. There were also stories of failures on the part of the CAs to control flooding, year after year, and to prevent erosion.

President Jeff Bogaerts announced the formation of an OLA Committee to address the conservation authority situation in Ontario. This is welcome news and comes at a time when the Ontario government is open to improving Ontario’s Conservation Authorities.  https://news.ontario.ca/ene/en/2019/04/improving-ontarios-conservation-authorities.html

Thanks to all the county groups and guests who attended and made this a very successful meeting.