The OLA Litigation Fund – We need your help! By Tom Black

Tom Black

The OLA Litigation Fund will soon enter its sixth year of operation. This account was initially set up in December 2012 to help fund a charter challenge of the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA) Act.

Many people misunderstand the intention of the OLA Litigation Fund. It was not set up to help fund individuals and their court cases. Our intention was to take on cases that have broad implications and if successful, would benefit all people who could have been mistreated by a bad law.

We have heard of many people being ill-used under the OSPCA Act – having their animals seized and sold (or destroyed), or having their homes and farms searched without proper judicial oversight. Many have gone through the Animal Care Review Board and then to Court to defend themselves and their animals. Many have been successful but at great financial and emotional cost.

And so, we decided to help support a challenge to the Act that makes these abuses possible. If successful, everyone who owns an animal benefits.

The Notice of Application was filed on October 18, 2013. Details of the application and the process can be found on our website at

It has been a long and arduous journey since the application was filed 4 years ago. In August 2015, the Attorney General’s office put forward a motion to strike the proceeding. In October, the judge appointed to hear the motion recused himself on the day of the hearing. A second date was scheduled and the decision to continue with the application was not received until June 2016.

Many people and organizations have contributed to help us get this far and we are very grateful for their support.

At long last we have a hearing date: February 13, 2018.

If you believe as we do, that this law needs to be struck down because it is unconstitutional, will you help us to finish the job? Will you contribute today?

Our first case is the OSPCA Act charter challenge. This is just one of the bad laws we hope to correct. Your contribution we help us complete this case and move on to others.

Donations may be made online at

Or you can send a cheque made out to the OLA Litigation Fund to:

OLA Litigation Fund
PO Box 346
Woodlawn, ON
K0A 3M0

Heartfelt thanks and kindest regards,
Tom Black, President, Ontario Landowners Association