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Case Law Has Its Limits by Robert Pattison

It has been an interesting week when it comes to property law. At Pattison Legal Services half of our work is associated with representing clients charged under Ontario’s Highway Traffic Act, seeking remedy via Small Claims (debt collection and tort)…

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Four and a half years ago, the OLA published their first OLA ENews letter. Published on the first of each month, we have not once missed a date. We now also have another way to share news with you –…

Who Is Pulling the Strings by Tom Black

Wow! What a difference a week can make in provincial politics in Ontario. Patrick was forced to step down as leader of the PC party because some anonymous girls claimed that he had sexually harassed them some years ago. In…

Update on The Green Bullies in Rural Goulbourn

In December 2017, Marlene Black wrote about attempts by urban dwellers to impose their views on private property in Goulbourn. In short, the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA) Board has been pressured to pass a motion to have the…

Carbon Tax and Codfish by the Contrarian

A PAGE FROM WILLIE BRANTS DIARY – Joe and I were playing a few hands of crib to pass away a snowy Saturday afternoon.  Just to make conversation, I remarked that there seems to be a lot of controversy over…