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Big Brother Bureaucrats by Peter Weygang

People have been ruled by governments that range from dictatorships to politocracies.  The most dangerous of all are bureaucracies, the mortal enemy of the people, and of true democracies. Military forces are organized as a chain-of-command pyramid.  The shouts of…

Thanks to Those who Ran in Municipal Elections

Several of our prominent landowners stepped up to the plate in the recent round of Ontario Municipal elections. Running for any political office is always difficult. You basically must put your life on hold and it can be emotionally, physically,…

City of Ottawa Site Alteration By-law by Tedd Wood

Tedd Wood is a member of the Carleton Landowners Association (CLA). This article chronicles his participation in the City of Ottawa’s public consultation process during the development of their Site Alteration By-Law. The CLA thanks Tedd for his assistance during…