Invitation to attend the Huron County Board of Health March 3rd, 2016

As a group of concerned residents throughout Huron County, including your township, and with a lot of effort, we are pleased to announce that we are scheduled to make a presentation in front of the Huron County Board of Health. As our representative for local government and to better understand our issues, you are cordially invited to attend. The meeting will be held at 9 am, March 3, 2016, Huron County Health Unit, 77722B London Road, Clinton, Ontario.

As you may be aware, one of the challenges facing the residents of Huron County, which impacts our community in a significant way, is families living near industrial wind turbine projects and experiencing negative health effects. More experts are recognizing that the negative health concerns will have to be addressed. See: Recognizing health concerns in wind energy development a key recommendation in new study Jan. 26, 2016 Dr. Janice Owens, Acting Huron County Medical Officer of Health, cited the following article in her February monthly report: Systematic Review 2013: Association between Wind Turbines and Human Distress by Ian Arra , Hazel Lynn, Kimberley Barker, Chiebere Ogbuneke, Sophie Regalado. The review concluded, “The peer-reviewed studies we reviewed provide reasonable evidence (Levels Four and Five) that an association exists between wind turbines and distress in humans.”

To date, there is nowhere affected citizens can turn for help. The Province of Ontario directs residents to the MOECC. The MOECC has failed to act even when their own employees found wind turbines to be out of compliance. Plus, the MOECC does not handle health issues. The failure by the province to address health concerns has caused many small grass root groups to be formed. However, small groups are easily ignored. Our group is trying to bring these small groups together in Huron County to make one voice. Our group has two goals: 1) to improve the quality of life of residents in our county whose health has been adversely affected by wind turbines. 2) to educate the public on the health effects caused by misplaced wind turbines. We have recently reached out to groups in Bruce County.

As more wind turbine projects come on-line, more citizens are having negative health effects. These residents should be able to live in their homes without having to experience ill health effects caused by misplaced wind turbines. The people were promised safe green energy when wind turbines were proposed. Waiting years for the Health Canada study is not an option when people are suffering now. Solutions, not more studies, are needed. The affected residents need politicians and people to start caring.

Area-Wide Concerned Residents of Huron County
Gerry Ryan – Huron East Jeanne Melady – Former Huron East
Mike Stachura – Ashfield-Colburne-Wawanosh Patti Kellar – Bluewater
Pauli Sommer – Ashfield-Colburne-Wawanosh