Improving Ontario’s Conservation Authorities – Have your Say by Shirley Dolan

Shirley Dolan
Shirley Dolan

The Ontario government is making changes to the Conservation Authorities Act and to the regulations governing the 36 conservation authorities in Ontario. A press release issued on April 5th states “Ontario’s government is working for the people to ensure conservation authorities focus and deliver on their core mandate of protecting people, property and natural resources from the threats and impacts of extreme weather and flooding.”

But, how effective are conservation authorities (CAs) in preventing flooding and erosion, their initial focus when they were created in 1946. Many would say that they have expanded their influence and authority into other areas while flooding regularly occurs without much remedy from the CAs.

How would you improve Ontario’s CAs?

The Ontario government is seeking input from the public. There are two proposals on the Environmental Registry of Ontario:

  1. Modernizing conservation authority operations – Conservation Authorities Act
  1. Focusing conservation authority development permits on the protection of people and property

We encourage you to take the time to read through the proposals and submit your comments either by email to Carolyn O’Neil at or by mail to Carolyn O’Neill, Great Lakes Office, 40 St Clair Avenue West, Floor 10, Toronto, ON.  M4V1M2

This is important! The proposals are at most four pages long. This is your opportunity to have your say on how you want to improve the CAs.  If you have had a negative experience with a CA, let the government know.