Exciting News Regarding Property Rights In Ontario by Tom Black

Tome Black

Today I would like to bring you some exciting news regarding Property Rights in this province.

In the fall of 2015, the leader of the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party, MPP Patrick Brown asked MPP Jack MacLaren to form a Blue Ribbon Panel on Property Rights (BRPPR). A group of individuals with knowledge and interest in property rights headed up the panel. They have been working since that time and are now ready to get input from the leadership of various stakeholder groups, property owners and concerned citizens on the value of, and issues surrounding, Property Rights in Ontario.

The consultation process will begin in March 2017, with a schedule for the meetings now being drafted. There is a website set up, www.YourPropertyRights.ca where the meeting times and places will be available.

If you belong to the Ontario Landowners Association, please inform your members, your neighbours and family and friends about these meetings and urge anyone interested, to get out and have some input into this process. These meetings are open to all members of the public and we encourage anyone with an opinion to come out and help this Blue Ribbon Panel on Property Rights glean a wide cross-section of constructive advice that can then be included in the PC Policy platform at the Convention.

The policy convention dates are November 25-26, 2017 at the Toronto Congress Centre, 650 Dixon Road, Etobicoke. For more information http://www.ontariopc.com/Events?smonth=11&syear=2017.

Thank you.
Tom Black