ERASE – A Political Thriller by Tom DeWeeze – Book Review by Moira Egan

Now his thoughts turned back to when he and Terri had first met at one of his political talks. “The ever growing expansion of government at every level is usurping individual freedom,” he had passionately told the audience of about 100 people.

“We need patriots to stand up and shout from the rafters, NO!”, he cried. “NO! to policies that infringe on our liberty, NO! to massive waste of the taxpayers’ hard earned money. NO! to political leaders who grab power, endanger the election process, and corrupt the system with illegal search and seizure of private homes and property.”

Did you hear that in Ontario? You might have. But it’s from page 27 in ERASE, A Political Thriller by Tom DeWeese.

There is lots else in ERASE that you might hear being said among people who are members of Ontario Landowners – or who ought to be. More than the stories within the overall story resonating with Ontario property rights advocates, some readers will find that they have lived, or are living, the stories. So this inspiring but scary novel will fascinate them. The characters in ERASE are fictional. But its facts are all too real.

Also real to many readers is the novelist, Tom DeWeese. His individual property rights advocacy work we have come to know through his articles in The Landowner, through his many online presentations and e-conferences and through his booklets like Agenda 21 and How To Stop It. Some of us met him, heard him speak and worked with him at the founding meeting of the International Property Rights Association in October 2014.

One of Tom’s undertakings is American Policy Centre into which he’s energetically and defiantly poured his 40 years’ experience as a political candidate, entrepreneur and citizen rights campaigner. I’ve cribbed from the American Policy Centre site and the jacket of his novel and only slightly editorialized the copy so I can tell you this: Tom DeWeese is one of the world’s leading advocates of individual liberty, free enterprise, private property rights, personal privacy, back-to-basics education and of sovereignty and independence. And he campaigns to get the U.S. out of the UN!

Knowing all of that, are you asking, “Is reading ERASE like reading a 300 page political paper?”. The answer is “NO!”. It really is a thriller and a page-turner that has lots of action and will appeal to people who enjoy a good story. While there is violence in the book, you won’t find the sexual perverseness that typifies many modern novels and films and presidential elections.

The book will appeal to those who are familiar with property rights issues. More important I think, ERASE is an exciting eye-opener for those who are quite clueless about how our property rights, including the right to free speech and even freedom of thought, were gradually smudged over the years and are now being completely rubbed out. DeWeese uses dramatic tension and a host of true-to-life characters to explain, while not obviously lecturing. The story should inspire the unaware to learn more about what’s being done to them and those who already know to take action.

I hope also that it will alert some readers of the book to recognize the role they are quite possibly playing, while not knowing it, in advancing the real plot: to transform our thoughts and our reality to fit a system designed to serve a select few and to enslave the rest of us. I’m thinking of readers who might be elected officials or who are employed by governments at all levels and by non-governmental associations and even industry associations.

To complete the transformation, the systems designers of the globe are trying to erase from our memories the history of Western civilization and its Christian foundation. DeWeese is an American and there are repeated references to the glorious American tradition that might be foreign to some of us. But our traditions and institutions are also glorious and so it is easy to mentally replace the American experience with Canadian history and tradition with which we are, or used to be, familiar. So now you know the theme of ERASE.

At several points in the book, I felt like ringing up a character for a conversation. I would, for example, have liked to have a debate with one of the lively characters, a parson. He says that the situation is like the Inquisition. My argument would be that it is more like the so-called French so-called Revolution or the so-called Russian so-called Revolution, during each of which international thugs overthrew the governments, stole property from owners and attempted to kill Christianity. The point I really want to make is that DeWeese’s characters all seem to be real people; they evoke an emotional response from, at least, this reader. I’d say that his characters and his plot together make Tom DeWeese an excellent story teller.

Lest you doubt me, here are a couple of paragraphs from the Prologue of ERASE:

With only a light from the lamp on the side table beside the couch, she sat comfortably, intently reading. Suddenly there was a stir behind her. Rough hands grabbed her throat and strong arms picked her up from the couch and flung her across the room. Before she could react, a large shadowy figure moved like lightening to her sprawled body. The rough hands grabbed her again and with one powerful squeeze, snapped her neck, and everything went dark as life left her body.

Looking down at her as if admiring his work, he let a shallow smile cross his face. After a moment he quickly turned, walked over to the couch where Terri’s e-book had fallen to the floor. He snatched it up, put it inside his coat pocket and disappeared out of the apartment as quickly and as silently as he had appeared.

Intrigued? Read ERASE. You’ll be thrilled you did.