Dufferin Landowners Association Meeting – Pig Roast August 9 2016 by Elizabeth Marshall

Elizabeth Marshall
Elizabeth Marshall

Mark and Cynthia Tijssen hosted a pig roast on August 9th for the members and potential members of the Dufferin Landowners. To me, it was a great success. A general count put it over 50 adults and they brought their kids and grandchildren.

Not only did Mark and Cynthia do a wonderful job cooking the pig, but everyone brought salads and desserts. The food was plentiful and very, very, very tasty.

Bob Weirmeir, President of the Saugeen Regional Landowners Association came and brought some of his home-made bread and his information, which is always a good thing.

After eating, Mark did a very good introduction as to what the Dufferin Landowners Association (DLA) is about and what the Ontario Landowners Association (OLA) actually does. Many were very interested. He explained that if he had known his rights, when he had been charged, that he probably wouldn’t have been charged in the first place. (Note: Charges were brought against Mark Tijssen in November 2009 after he slaughtered a pig and shared it with friends. All charges were withdrawn in December 2011.)

One lady in the audience said that most people just pay for the permits or the fines because they don’t want to be bothered fighting. It was stated that people generally pay for the permits and fines because they don’t know their rights. Again Mark stated that had he known his rights he would have stood his ground, would not have allowed Ministry of Natural Resources officers onto or into his property and he probably would not have been charged.

An explanation of people rights and responsibilities was expressed and people were quite open to the information. It was also expressed that it will take time for people to know or understand their rights. There was also the statement that some people will continue to pay the permits and fines, even though they do know their rights because it is just simpler and they are frightened that they will be putting themselves in the lime-light. It was explained that some are just frightened and there really isn’t anything wrong with that – it’s merely that they are unsure and need help.

There were a number of young people there and it would seem the DLA has quite a few new members, which is a good thing. I think, in future, there will be growth in the Dufferin area of the OLA because the Councils, Planners, etc., are really starting to abuse their positions, to some extent, and the need is only growing for information.

There was also the statement that Randy Hillier is no longer a member of the OLA. Hillier was known for organizing protests.

Although the OLA still has the option of having protests, we have moved beyond this approach and are now engaging officials to discuss the law and this is starting to pay off.

It was a really good night all round. Thank you again to Mark and Cynthia for the great food, drink and chat, and thank you to all of those who brought salads and desserts…couldn’t have asked for a better time.