
Updated Wetlands Ma...
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Updated Wetlands Mapping "Paused"

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The last couple of weeks have been very busy for the Carleton Landowners Association and the Navan Landowners Committee as we tried to make sense of the updated wetlands mapping announced by the Rideau River, South Nation, and Raisin River Conservation Authorities. Farmers Forum put it best: "Watershed authorities unleash provincial sneak attack on dry, wooded land — redesignating as wetlands".

As comments came in on Facebook, we heard about septic beds, roads, and new developments being included in the maps. Many designated areas were dry, according to the landowners who were given until July 11 to object to the mapping. It just didn't make sense.

Landowners contacted their conservation authorities and provincial MPPs and we are happy to say that the mapping exercise was stopped by the Ministry of Natural Resources. Not before a lot of worry and angst on the part of landowners. Two of the three scheduled meetings took place before the Ministry stepping.

Thanks again to Farmers Forum for spreading the word.

Stay tuned. We have a feeling this is not over yet.
