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800th Anniversary of the Magna Carta

Perhaps the most important document to the Landowner movement is the Magna Carta. Signed by King John on June 15, 1215, the document is a symbol of the rights of the people over the tyranny of the Monarch. The 800th…

A Property Rights WIN

It was a bittersweet victory for a Florida property owner who refused to buckle under the heavy handed demands of a government agency that denied his request for a development permit. Coy Koontz, Sr.’s battle against injustice did not end…

Beware of Organizations Bearing Gifts

The Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) recently signed a letter of support for Ontario Farmland Trust’s (OFT) new strategic plan and Farmland Forever funding campaign. They did this on behalf of their members, Ontario farmers, calling the action a united…

Farms Flooded by Municipal Waters

While we watch the devastating floods in southern Alberta, we have our own flooding problems here in Ontario. In Bradford, millions of dollars of crops have been lost after a dike broke for the second time in three weeks. Farmers…