Carleton Landowners host successful Annual General Meeting

For those of you who joined us at the MacLaren homestead on Saturday September 10, 2022 for our Annual General Meeting, we thank you for making it a successful event. New and old friends joined us as we held our elections for our new board of directors, a group of enthusiastic and dedicated people ready to take on the challenges of government overreach for the next year.

This was our first AGM in four years. The Carleton Landowners Association (CLA) like most organizations, was locked down during the pandemic. It was so encouraging to be able to get together again.

Our guest speaker was Professor Bruce Pardy. Those of us who follow Bruce had great expectations about what he might share with us, and we were not disappointed. Following a half hour speech on critical theory, he then engaged the audience for another hour of chat on whatever topics we chose.  A law professor from Queens University and the Executive Director of Rights Probe (About — Rights Probe), Pardy was well able to provide thoughtful and insightful commentary.

The afternoon concluded with a BBQ supper and some splendid music by Gary Patois.

Thanks to all the volunteers who made this possible and especially to the MacLaren family for their generous offer to host our meeting.