On May 3rd or May 7th, Please Vote for Change in the Ontario PC Party Leadership Race

In our February 1, 2015 newsletter, our president Tom Black asked that you purchase a PC membership in order to support Patrick Brown in his bid for leader of the Ontario PC Party. Thank you to all who purchased a membership before the February 28th deadline.

Now we need you to turn that membership into a vote for Patrick Brown. When the leadership race began, there were five candidates: Christine Elliott, Lisa MacLeod, Vic Fedeli, Monte McNaughton and Patrick Brown. The first four candidates are from the former Hudak government and the 5th candidate, Patrick Brown is a sitting Federal Conservative MP. Only Christine Elliott and Patrick Brown remain as candidates, so the choice is clear – a vote for Patrick is a vote for change.

In asking for your support, Tom wrote: “The OLA has had several meetings with MP Patrick Brown and found him to be a very quick study of the provincial issues and a man with the endless energy to get out and meet the people to find out what the issues are. We feel that his ‘let’s get to work’ attitude is very refreshing and his focus on the whole of Ontario, the urban, the rural and the north, is something that has been sadly lacking for the past three elections. To that end, we are asking our county chapters to show Patrick as much support as possible in the coming leadership race”.

You may cast your vote on either:

  • Sunday, May 3rd from 11:00AM to 5:00PM; or
  • Thursday, May 7th from 3:00PM until 9:00PM.

Please note that you are only required to vote on one of the above dates.

To locate your voting location, visit http://ontariopc.com/Voting.

Thank you again for purchasing a membership.