The United Nations’ mandated 30 x 30 Plan was outlined in the March-April 2023 issue on Landowners Voices. The federal government has set the goal of conserving 30 percent of Canada’s land and water by 2030. Canada already has 30% of our land and water pristine and untouched. Trudeau intends to convert 30% of presently occupied land and navigable waterways into protected areas. 

The plan is underway in Ontario. In my riding the targeted property is the land adjacent to Algonquin Park. 


The premise for the looming local restrictions is the recent designation of the Eastern Wolf as Threatened under the Species at Risk Act.

Genetically the animal is a cross between wolves and coyotes. Speciation generally requires the accumulation of mutations over 2 million years. Evidence of the existence of the Eastern Wolf goes back approximately 140 years with the migration of coyotes into Eastern Ontario.

It should be mentioned the notion of restricting activities in and on the Renfrew County side of the park goes back decades. An attempt was made in 2000 to restrict land use with the same excuse near Killaloe. The head of a wolf impaled on a post sent a clear message to the anti-forestry lobby of the day. The fact that the world-renowned silviculture practised in Algonquin Park has been entirely dismissed. In addition to forest fire prevention, the scientific method of forestry used in Renfrew County actually promotes the wolf population. The regrowth after a cut draws in the deer, one of the wolves’ natural prey.

Facts do not matter to the Trudeau regime. They want your land one way or another.