Have your say – how do we fix the Conservation Authorities? by Shirley Dolan

Shirley Dolan
Shirley Dolan

In January 2020, the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MOECF) initiated stakeholder meetings to discuss the Conservation Authorities Act and associated regulations, to further define the core mandate of conservation authorities and the programs and services they provide.

One of the invited stakeholders was the Ontario Landowners Association.

Three consultation meetings were held: in Barry on January 31, in Colbourne on February 7, and in London on February 14. Members of the Ontario Landowners Association were present at all three meetings. Jeff Bogaerts, OLA president, spoke at the meeting in Colbourne. Many of our OLA members attended more that one meeting, driving many miles and taking a day off work to attend and provide valuable input. An additional meeting has been scheduled for March 5 in North Bay.

The format included presentations from groups such as Ducks Unlimited, Conservation Ontario, Municipalities, Ontario Farmers Network, Federation of Ontario Cottagers Association (FOCA), the Home Builders Associations, Real Estate companies followed by round table discussions. It was at these discussions where OLA members were able to make a significant impact by providing the “other side of the story” based on calls we have been getting for many years about Conservation Authorities.

To conclude the consultations, the MOECF has set up a webpage where YOU can make your comments.

We hope you will participate by completing the survey at https://www.ontario.ca/page/consultation-ontario-conservation-authorities.

The survey will remain open until March 13, 2020.

Please also see the presentation by Leith Coghlin, Enpointe Development https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4nB6MTGv9s&feature=youtu.be at the London meeting.