Wood Stoves by Tom Black

Tome Black

A couple of weeks ago, we got a call from a man from Renfrew County, who sells outdoor wood stoves. He was very concerned that he may not be able to sell them any more in that area. He had heard rumours suggesting just that and wondered what he could do.

It would seem that the rumour may have come from the deal signed by the 3 amigos in June 2016. Prime Minister Trudeau, President Obama and President Enrique Pena Nieto of Mexico agreed to “reduce black carbon (soot)” and went on to say “we commit to significant nation actions to reduce black carbon emissions in North America”. Then further down they say “deploy renewable energy and efficiency alternatives to diesel, coal, or firewood in remote communities, in collaboration with international partners and organizations”.

So you see folks, these worries are real and it would only take an over-zealous local council to step up and use this document as a guideline for their next round of by-laws. The city of Montreal has already made some moves in that direction.

All citizens of the city who have had wood stoves or fireplaces had to register them with the city by the end of 2015. By 2018 they will all have to be up to efficiency ratings that the city has set meaning a lot of expensive upgrades to most fireplaces and some stoves.

In conclusion, I have not found anyone in Ontario who has yet been affected by this agreement but for sure, it is only a matter of time.