800th Anniversary of the Magna Carta

Perhaps the most important document to the Landowner movement is the Magna Carta. Signed by King John on June 15, 1215, the document is a symbol of the rights of the people over the tyranny of the Monarch. The 800th anniversary of the Great Charter will occur in 2015 and a copy could make its way to Canada to mark the occasion.

Len Rodness, a Toronto Real Estate lawyer, heard about plans to let copies of the Magna Carta travel to other countries to mark the 800th anniversary. He has received commitments to have a copy of the document exhibited at Canadian Museum of Civilization in Ottawa, at Fort York in Toronto, at the Alberta Legislature in Edmonton and at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights in Winnipeg. He is in the process of raising an estimated $2 million to make it happen.

For more information on the Magna Carta 800th anniversary, visit http://magnacarta800th.com.