Loss of our rural population to megacities by Len Harris

How many times in your life have you made a decision on an important issue only to find out it is completely wrong? Doesn’t happen too often luckily but when the issue is as important as how you live in your house, drive to work, basically how you exist in 2016 – to get that wrong would be a disaster.

If you live or work in a major city, you could wake up one morning and find you are not allowed to drive your vehicle at all for a month. This also affects how you get the week’s groceries home, get the children to school, forget driving them to hockey practice, swimming, music lessons, soccer or heaven forbid baseball practice. Your only option will be, walk, bicycle or public transport. Good luck if you happen to live a ways out of town! You may well ask what the hell I am talking about?

Let’s pretend your neighbourhood is lucky, or unlucky depending on your point of view, to be the winner of the EcoMobility World Festival Vehicle Free Month. You and your neighbours have been selected to participate in an experiment conducted by the United Nations. Read on … this is not a prank or some kind of nightmare … it’s real.


The EcoMobility world festival http://www.ecomobilityfestival.org is part of the United Nations program that states by 2050, two-thirds of humans will reside in cities. Is this the future we wish on our children and grandchildren?

By 2050, two-thirds of all humans will be living in cities

I first became concerned in 2014 when I came to Canada to present a paper on Private Property rights. Considering that Canada and Australia not only are on opposite sides of the planet, and that Australia, the largest island continent is relatively isolated, I was surprised to see that the same MONITORING SENSORS cut into the surface of the road back home are here in your Canadian roads. As your vehicle passes over the sensor it extracts all the details using the on-board computer that all modern cars/trucks have. Some of the sensors are what they call Point to Point, meaning as you go over the first sensor the program starts to calculate the time because it knows which vehicle is which. When you arrive at the second sensor, if the time taken to cover the distance is less than that taken traveling at the correct speed limit, no photo needed, no police officer involved! But if the sensors determine you are travelling more than the speed limit, you get a massive fine in the mail. If you refuse to pay the fine your licence will be eventually cancelled. This is where it can get really bad!!!! The police DON’T HAVE TO ADVISE YOU THAT YOUR LICENCE HAS BEEN CANCELLED!

The police cars in Australia have electronic scanners, scanning forward and backwards simultaneously, while mobile in a traffic flow, that can process up to 36 cars at the same time and I’ll leave you to work out the rest. Imagine my disbelief both seeing with my own eyes and when talking to people in Canada, I could be talking to an Aussie, but I’m in Canada! The same situation that we are living under in Australia is here in Canada, not some similarity but EXACTLY THE SAME.

The more I researched why this had occurred, the more concerned and alarmed I became. Based on my research of the “International Code Council” (ICC) and the “International Coalition of Local Environmental Initiatives” (ICLEI) http://www.iclei.org/activities/agendas/ecomobilecity.html I found what I’m certain is the cause.

Len Harris presents at the OLA AGM on October 22, 2016
Len Harris presents at the OLA AGM on October 22, 2016

The International Code Council is an unelected entity that develops ALL (and I mean all) the codes. We know them as regulations that should be developed by your local council, province or federal governments so they are relevant for your community. I’ll refer to them as regulations that control how we build all structures from massive tire manufacturing plants, hospitals, universities to a farm shed, even renovate our homes, all aspects of the environment and, as mentioned above, and are forcing all of the citizens of both the developed and undeveloped nations to comply with also how and where we travel.

How do we as individuals remove this unacceptable burden that is upon us now? Consider the lifestyle our children and grandchildren will have to suffer. As individuals, we need to first research and inform ourselves on this issue so as to be accurate about what we are quoting. The movers and shakers of the program at the United Nations, as shown above, are working and have been for over Twenty Five years to move people into urban areas. The open spaces within our countries will eventually become NO GO AREAS. This has already happened in Australia where “World Heritage Designated Areas” now have locked gates across the access roads that we used to be able to drive through, stop for a picnic at a small stream, and enjoy nature at its best. Locked up FOREVER for what? Check out the Eleven Megaregions in America https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megaregions_of_the_United_States.

As I said before, get the facts right, form a group focused on this single issue, talk to your local Mayors, Councillors and MPP’s. Write letters to local papers especially those not owned by the Main Stream Media. They generally have monetary incentive not to print anything unfavourable to the Environmentalist movement. Download Len Harris’ presentation at the 2016 OLA AGM here.

Editor’s note: Len Harris is a former Senator from Queensland, Australia. He was a speaker at the OLA International Property Rights Conference in 2014 and has been an invited guest speaker at many OLA meetings, most recently at the OLA AGM held in Lindsay, Ontario on October 22. He has done extensive research on ICLEI and its effects on rural and urban populations. It should be noted that, in Canada, the overall rural population had shrunk to 19% of the total population of the country. In Ontario, that percentage is 14%. http://www.statcan.gc.ca/tables-tableaux/sum-som/l01/cst01/demo62a-eng.htm.

We are well beyond the ICLEI 2050 prediction.