Why a Rooster Just Might Make More Sense Than a Politician Paperback by Elizabeth Marshall

Howdy! This here is the Old Rooster ‘n’ ifn’ you is from the City, don’t be shutin’ this book afore you give it a chance. See I has this sister, Henrietta, ‘n’ she lives in the back-yard of some folks, who be wantin’ fresh eggs, in town, ‘n’ she’s just as prone to spressin’ her opinions as I is. Not only that she’s been kinda edgecated, so she knows them fancy words.


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Howdy! This here is the Old Rooster ‘n’ ifn’ you is from the City, don’t be shutin’ this book afore you give it a chance. See I has this sister, Henrietta, ‘n’ she lives in the back-yard of some folks, who be wantin’ fresh eggs, in town, ‘n’ she’s just as prone to spressin’ her opinions as I is. Not only that she’s been kinda edgecated, so she knows them fancy words.

See over the past few years I’ve been pretty active in spressin’ my opinion, (round the barn-yard, they say that’s no surprise); spressin’ some of my thoughts (again, no surprise), ‘n’ writing letters to that Landowner Magazine. In doin’ this, I’ve racked me up quite a few pages, ‘n’ some buddy told me I oughta jot these here thoughts, opinions ‘n’ letters down ‘n’ write me a book.

Now lots of folks think there’s a big difference in how the country folks ‘n’ the city folk look at the world, ‘n’ maybe that might have some oats to it. But me ‘n’ Henriette, well we think that just cause there might be a difference in a life-style, don’t mean that people don’t want the same things. We figure all you folks wants edgecation fer yur kids; you want to do stuff with yur property that you see fit to be doin’; ‘n’ we figure you all don’t want to be shafted by the tax-man. That there is the common ground every person has with their rural ‘n’ urban neighbor. ‘N’ jest bout everybody wants is to be left in peace to enjoy what they own, without havin’ to deal with all them government types.

Henrietta ‘n’ me, well we decided to do this little book…so here’s hopin you enjoy this.

The Rooster!